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3 Ways Business Security Cameras Differ From Home Security Cameras


Home Security Cameras Are Not The Answer to Solve Your Business Security Needs.

There Are Substantial Differences Between Home and Commercial Security Camera Systems


If you are a business owner or are responsible for security at a company, it can be tempting to take what seems like the easy route and use the commonly available home security cameras for your business.  While that decision might not seem like a big deal, keep in mind that security cameras are one of your best tools when it comes to protecting your company and deterring crime.  This is not an investment to make idly or without considering what tools will give you the greatest level of security.  If you’re unsure about the primary differences between home security cameras and business security cameras, read on to learn more about the distinctions and what that means for your business.

  1. Security Camera Quality

One of the biggest differences between home security cameras and business security cameras is the camera itself.  While there are certainly many home security cameras out there that provide high-quality footage, the fact remains that they cannot come close to competing with the professional cameras that are used in business security systems. 

For example, business security cameras are designed to give businesses a wide variety of options to meet their unique needs.  Whether you need a camera that can capture license plates, a camera that has night vision, a Point-Tilt-Zoom camera, or another specific feature, you can rest assured that a business security camera system will be able to meet those needs.

Even the physical build of the camera can differ.  Business security cameras are designed with longevity and reliability in mind, meaning that higher-quality materials may be used in their manufacturing.  Home security cameras are not held to the same standards, and you run the risk of the cameras failing just when you need them most.  At the end of the day, security cameras that are specifically designed for business applications and have been tested and proven in the field are always going to be a superior choice to home security cameras for a business application.


  1. Flexible Storage Options for Security Camera Footage

As if the cameras themselves weren’t enough to convince you, business security camera systems also offer a much wider variety of storage configurations than home security cameras.  Home security cameras are not typically meant to handle large quantities of storage on the scale that most businesses (even small ones) will require, and they can quickly result in cumbersome batches of footage that eat up storage space and are difficult to access.

Business security camera systems, on the other hand, are designed with storage options in mind.  Some business security cameras automatically compress the footage to save on storage space, and most business security cameras can now be configured to store their footage on a central server that can then be accessed remotely from anywhere in the world.  The storage options that business security cameras offer reduce headaches and are vastly more efficient than home security cameras, and they’ve been tested rigorously to make sure that they meet the needs of business owners.







  1. Camera Security Features

One of the factors that are sometimes overlooked with regards to security cameras is how secure the cameras themselves are.  While it is becoming more common for home security cameras to be able to encrypt the data they are recording, they remain vulnerable to being hacked by outside parties.  Some recent studies have found that many of the most common types of home security devices can be hacked in as little as 30 minutes.  There are even tutorials online about how to hack security cameras. 

In contrast, business security camera systems can be customized to meet the level of security your company needs.  For high-risk information, business security cameras can be configured on a closed system that is immune to outside hacking and can only be interfered with by physically damaging the cameras or system (and thereby triggering alerts to anyone monitoring the system).  If you are concerned with the data your cameras record being kept secure from outside influence or prying eyes, business security cameras are light years ahead of home security cameras.


Professional security camera systems can be one of your greatest assets when it comes to protecting your business.  While a superficial review of the security cameras that are on the market today might make it seem like home security cameras are comparable to business security cameras, that’s simply not the case.  Business security cameras are designed to work for businesses and meet their security needs; home security cameras are not.  By investing in business security cameras, you’ll be getting better quality cameras that have varied options to meet your needs, the storage systems will be more likely to work efficiently, and you can tailor the level of security that the cameras have to outside interference.  Keep in mind that, if the thought of trying to sort through the business security camera options is overwhelming, you can always reach out to a reputable installer for assistance!  Professional commercial security camera installers will be able to clearly walk you through the myriad ways that business security cameras will protect your business and assist you in finding the perfect system to keep your business safe.


About the Author

As datanet IT, our experts specialize in working with clients to design tailored security solutions.  If you want more information on the business security camera systems that we offer, feel free to reach out to us today and we’re happy to work with you to ensure your company is protected! If you wish to be contacted about a security camera install, please fill out this form.